Using Acupuncture To Induce Labor

You were thrilled to find out you were expecting a baby and excited to start decorating the nursery and choosing baby names. But now, nine months later, you feel like a tick that’s ready to pop. You would do just about anything to speed up your labor so you can finally hold your baby in your arms. Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners have been relying on acupuncture to induce labor for centuries. But is it safe for you and your unborn child, and how exactly does it work?

Acupuncture is safe for use throughout pregnancy, and can also be used to induce labor. Acupuncture helps prepare the body for childbirth by stimulating the release of oxytocin, which promotes healthy muscle function and a speedier delivery. 

Is acupuncture safe to use during pregnancy?

One of the first questions that expecting mothers ask us is if acupuncture is safe to use during pregnancy. The answer is yes! Acupuncture is incredibly safe, for both you and your baby, and is often utilized to treat annoying pregnancy symptoms, like back pain and morning sickness.

Because acupuncture is non-invasive, it has virtually zero negative side effects. You can safely enjoy acupuncture sessions weekly, or even more often, to help ease your pregnancy symptoms and prepare your body for labor.

Many women use acupuncture throughout their pregnancies, but it can be used before and after as well. Acupuncture helps prep the body for conception, and has helped many of our clients, including men, overcome their infertility struggles.

Acupuncture is adaptogenic, meaning it helps your body help itself, whether you’re trying to induce labor, or whether you’re struggling to conceive and overcome infertility. Regular acupuncture sessions work to rebalance your body so that it functions optimally, and so you feel better all the way around, regardless of where you are in your pregnancy journey.

How does acupuncture induce labor?

Acupuncture can help speed up your delivery in several ways. The first is by reducing muscle tension. When you’re pregnant, your musculoskeletal system changes to accommodate your growing baby. Your muscles stretch and contract, and can become quite uncomfortable over time. But acupuncture (and occasionally a good massage) helps keep muscle pain in check, while also supporting healthy muscle function.

Healthy muscle function isn’t just about staying comfortable, although that is a major benefit. When your muscles aren’t functioning properly, it’s harder for them to work together. Musculoskeletal dysfunction can delay your delivery date and significantly slow the labor process, so if you want to induce labor, keeping your muscles in good shape is a great start.

The increase in blood flow that acupuncture creates is also beneficial. Good circulation helps tone the uterus, so your contractions are more efficient during your labor. Acupuncture also triggers the release of oxytocin, which stimulates the uterus to contract and can speed up the delivery process.

Oxytocin plays such an important role in inducing labor that many hospitals use it to help women begin childbirth. But oxytocin is far more effective at inducing labor once the cervix has ripened. Fortunately, acupuncture can help with that, too. Acupuncture is used to soften and dilate the cervix to prepare the body for labor and promote an efficient delivery.

When should you get acupuncture to induce labor?

We always advise our expecting mothers to schedule acupuncture sessions throughout their pregnancies to help their bodies adapt as their pregnancies progress and to prepare for on-time delivery. Regular acupuncture sessions are also important to keep pregnancy symptoms under control, especially as you enter your third trimester.

Routine acupuncture sessions throughout your pregnancy promote hormonal balance so you have a healthy pregnancy. During your third trimester, acupuncture is especially helpful for ripening the cervix, and even for keeping your baby in the right position, so you have an easier labor.

But even if you’ve never had acupuncture at any time during your pregnancy, one or two sessions close to your due date can help to induce labor. It’s just that effective! According to a study of women who were between 19 and -13 weeks pregnant, the average time from induction to delivery time was 13.1 hours. But, every woman is different, and you may need another session to prepare your body for childbirth.

No two pregnancies are alike. We’ll work with you to determine the best way to help hasten your delivery so you can finally welcome your little bundle of joy to the world. 

Can acupuncture help you recover after childbirth?

Once you’ve given birth, your pregnancy journey doesn’t stop there. After delivery, your body will need time, patience, and a good support protocol to recover. We encourage our new mothers to continue acupuncture treatments to help them get back on their feet after childbirth and to rebalance their hormones as they heal.

Acupuncture can help manage post-pregnancy symptoms by increasing circulation, fighting inflammation, and supporting healthy musculoskeletal function. Regular acupuncture sessions give your body the boost it needs to readjust after childbirth so you feel better faster.

It’s also worth noting that acupuncture can help with milk supply. It’s estimated that more than 50% of mothers struggle to produce enough milk for their newborns. Acupuncture has been shown to enhance breast milk supply naturally, enabling mothers to nurse their babies themselves rather than relying on formula alone.

In addition to acupuncture, we also advise our clients to practice “Zuo Yue Zi”. Also called the one-month sitting, this ancient practice focuses on supporting the body with sleep, rest, and nutritionally-dense foods. This practice is critical for adjusting to motherhood, fighting postpartum stress, and getting to know your baby. 

Get in touch with us today

If you’re a few days past your due date and starting to get a bit anxious, don’t panic. Acupuncture is a safe, effective treatment for inducing labor, so you can finally meet your new baby.

At Integrative Healing Arts, we’ve worked with countless women as they make their way through their pregnancies. We’ll be there to support you, too, with an individualized plan that’s tailor-made to your unique needs.

Get in touch with us today to schedule an acupuncture session. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have about the process, and give you personalized care to make your delivery as easy as possible.