Acupuncture For Morning Sickness Relief

Most expecting mothers begin experiencing morning sickness around week 6 of their pregnancy. Morning sickness can include nausea and vomiting, and while some women experience these symptoms more often than others, they usually go away after the first trimester. That said, some women experience morning sickness well into their third trimester. Morning symptoms can make your pregnancy miserable, and severely restrict your ability to engage in everyday activities. If you’re looking for safe, natural relief for your pregnancy-related stomach troubles, it’s time to consider acupuncture for morning sickness.

Acupuncture treats morning sickness by releasing endorphins, alleviating stress, and reducing stomach acid production. Together, these benefits promote healthy digestion, reducing heartburn, indigestion, nausea, and vomiting. 

How does acupuncture treat morning sickness?

The first way that acupuncture helps treat morning sickness is by reducing stress. Stress can be very disruptive to the body, interfering with collagen production and wound healing, making you look and feel older. It can also slow your digestion and increase stomach acid production, both of which can contribute to morning sickness.

By keeping stress in check, acupuncture can help you tackle morning sickness, as well as the back pain and fatigue caused by pregnancy. Acupuncture soothes overactive muscles, allowing your digestive system to function as it should, so you digest your food normally and get healthy hunger signals — which means regular acupuncture sessions can help you rein in your rampant pregnancy cravings, too.

Good digestion is so important, especially when you’re pregnant because it ensures your body can get all of the nutrients it needs to support your growing baby. But acupuncture can help alleviate morning sickness in another way, and that is by triggering the release of endorphins.

Endorphins are feel-good neurotransmitters that help raise your pain threshold naturally. Endorphins reduce tension and make you feel more relaxed, both physically and mentally. Acupuncture also modulates the release of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which plays a role in the onset of nausea and vomiting

How fast does acupuncture for morning sickness work?

Most women respond to acupuncture treatment very quickly and experience almost immediate relief from their morning sickness, as well as many of their other symptoms. This makes acupuncture incredibly beneficial during pregnancy. Of course, every woman is different, so it may take several sessions before you see a real difference in your symptoms.

We typically recommend weekly or twice weekly sessions for pregnant women experiencing morning sickness. Generally, the more mild the case, the less often you’ll need treatments. Severe morning sickness can be more challenging to treat and may require additional therapies and/or lifestyle changes to manage.

Hyperemesis gravidarum, the most extreme form of morning sickness, can be especially difficult to manage. This form of morning sickness is characterized by severe nausea and vomiting, accompanied by weight loss, dehydration, and electrolyte imbalance. Acupuncture has proven to be an effective treatment for hyperemesis gravidarum because it supports healthy digestion and regulates the appetite.

How you manage your morning sickness depends on the severity of your symptoms. If you’ve been pregnant in the past, and have a history of severe or prolonged morning sickness, that’s important to keep in consideration, too. Fortunately, there are many strategies for making your morning sickness more manageable.

Lifestyle and dietary tips for beating morning sickness

Your hormones are fluctuating constantly during your pregnancy as you progress from week to week. These adjustments contribute to morning sickness, and on a certain level, that’s completely normal. But if your morning sickness has gotten so intense that you can barely leave the house, or even leave the bathroom, it’s time to take action.

You can combat your morning sickness symptoms with a few easy dietary and lifestyle changes. Start by eating fewer meals more often throughout the day. This will help you develop normal eating patterns and hunger signals. It will also help quench all that stomach acid to keep heartburn at bay.

Consider investing in a wedge pillow, which allows you to sleep at an incline. These pillows can be majorly helpful for fighting heartburn, and, in turn, morning nausea. Keep a box of crackers by your bed to eat before you get up in the morning, too. If you’re sensitive to strong aromas and flavors right now, then choose bland foods. And remember to include protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats in each meal.

Exercise is also important to release endorphins, reduce stress, and maintain healthy muscle function. An easy 20-minute stroll, or gentle yoga routine, can be incredibly beneficial. Remember to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, and avoid caffeine and other trigger foods that may be contributing to your morning sickness. 

How can herbal medicine help manage morning sickness?

The right herbs in the right doses can nip your morning sickness in the bud. Ginger, in particular, has been used for centuries to treat morning sickness, as well as other digestive ailments. Ginger supports healthy digestion by increasing gut motility. Chamomile can also be beneficial because it acts as an anti-spasmodic. Plus, its sedative qualities make it a great choice if you have trouble sleeping.

Peppermint is another longtime favorite for treating stomach issues, not just morning sickness. Keeping a tin of mints on hand can help you manage small bouts of nausea throughout the day, and drinking peppermint tea in the morning can help you get on top of your symptoms.

Meanwhile, raspberry leaf, which is traditionally brewed into tea, is a powerhouse when it comes to female health. Not only can it help ease morning sickness, but because it’s rich in iron and B vitamins, it also acts as a blood builder. Raspberry leaf tones the uterus, promoting efficient contractions during childbirth and reducing the risk of postpartum hemorrhage. It’s also a good home remedy for PMS and menstrual cramps.

Many herbs can help you overcome morning sickness. But herbs can be quite powerful. So always talk to a licensed herbalist before taking them. The wrong herb can make your symptoms worse, or create a slew of new symptoms. At Integrative Healing Arts, we’ll help you determine which herbs will work best for your specific needs. 

Book an appointment today

Morning sickness can prevent you from enjoying this special time in your life, but acupuncture can help!

Get in touch with us today to book your first appointment. At Integrative Healing Arts, we’ve helped countless women overcome their pregnancy symptoms and finally find relief.