Fertility treatments are a major investment. Increase your chances of getting pregnant the first time with Acupuncture for IVF and IUI Support.

IVF and IUI treatments have helped countless women overcome their difficulty conceiving and finally get pregnant. But assisted reproduction can be pricey. A single round of IVF or IUI can easily cost upwards of $10,000. 

You want to get pregnant, and you’ll do anything you can to support your chances of conceiving. The fact is, though, that fertility treatments have a large price tag. It’s an investment in your future, and a worthy one, at that. But it’s also one that shouldn’t be taken lightly. 

Acupuncture sessions timed just right before and after your fertility treatments, act as a safety net for your investment. 

These sessions reduce stress, balance hormones, and increase blood flow to your uterus to maximize your chances of a successful transfer so you get pregnant during your first round of treatments. 

How does acupuncture enhance assisted reproduction?

Acupuncture has a whole slew of benefits to offer, especially if you’re a woman trying to get pregnant. Regular treatments have a normalizing effect on hormone levels, reducing stress and supporting healthy cycles. But how can acupuncture for IVF and IUI support help?

Acupuncture can be an invaluable tool for women undergoing assisted reproduction treatments. Not only does acupuncture help you cope with the stress of these treatments naturally, but it also supports healthy hormone levels and adequate blood flow to the pelvic region — both of which are necessary for conception. 

Whether you choose embryo transfer or intrauterine insemination, acupuncture for IVF and IUI support is a non-invasive and relaxing complementary therapy that gently supports your body’s receptiveness to Western medicine-based fertility treatments. 

At Integrative Healing Arts, we rely on a combination of acupuncture, traditional Chinese herbal medicine blends, and dietary and lifestyle changes to create customized protocols for our clients. All of these measures work in unison to prepare your body for conceiving and sustaining a pregnancy. 

The importance of acupuncture before IVF and IUI treatments

Because acupuncture works with the body to boost your health all the way around, there’s really no wrong time to start acupuncture treatments. But, if you plan on getting IVF or IUI in the future, it’s important to start scheduling your acupuncture sessions now. 

In the weeks and months before your assisted reproduction treatments, acupuncture can be used to help your body get ready. Acupuncture tones the muscles in the pelvic floor, making your uterus stronger. The increase in blood flow that acupuncture naturally causes also helps by thickening the lining of the uterus, making your body more receptive to embryo transplantation and intrauterine insemination. 

Weekly acupuncture sessions 2 to 3 months prior to your IVF and IUI treatments have a stabilizing effect on your nervous system as well as your hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis. 

Stress is one of the major stumbling blocks that many women face on their road to conception. Because acupuncture raises your stress threshold, regular sessions can enhance your fertility naturally. 

Furthermore, regular acupuncture treatments help your body re-learn how to have healthy cycles. Whether you’re struggling with estrogen dominance, a short luteal phase, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), or something else, acupuncture helps your body refocus its attention on reproductive health so it’s easier for you to conceive and carry a pregnancy to term. 

How does acupuncture during fertility treatments increase your chances of conception?

Getting acupuncture for IVF and IUI support in the months leading up to your treatments will definitely help your body prepare for conception. But a few well-timed visits during your treatments can boost your chances of conception even more. 

In a review of 20 trials, it was found that acupuncture sessions administered within a day of embryo transfer resulted in a “30% increased chance of an improved reproductive outcome” in women who underwent IVF treatments.

Success rates are also significantly higher for women who receive acupuncture during their IUI treatments. In a study, women who underwent acupuncture and took traditional Chinese herbal blends saw a dramatic 95% increased chance of pregnancy following treatments. 

During the stimulation phase of your IVF treatments, we recommend bi-weekly acupuncture sessions. We’ll work with you to schedule another session just before your embryo retrieval. Timing is everything, here, and a few strategic acupuncture sessions before your procedure can make all the difference. 

When you receive your acupuncture treatments is also crucial to successful IUI. Weekly sessions prior to your IUI, with one session ideally performed the day before your IUI, is best. Every patient is different, so we’ll help you come up with a holistic strategy that supports your pregnancy goals.  

Acupuncture for successful transplantation and beyond

Getting acupuncture before and during your IVF and IUI treatments is a great start. But getting pregnant is only half the battle. Once you’ve undergone intrauterine insemination or an embryo transfer, your body will need even more support to conceive and sustain the pregnancy. 

For best outcomes, it’s important that you receive another acupuncture treatment the day after your IVF or IUI treatment. 

A strategically-timed acupuncture session during this period will increase blood flow to the pelvic region, making your body more receptive to the treatment. Good circulation is critical for successful IVF and IUI treatment, as this allows the body to thicken the lining of the uterus to sustain a pregnancy.

After using acupuncture for IVF and IUI support, many of our clients continue with weekly sessions to help them manage stress, healthy hormone levels, and, if everything goes according to plan, the symptoms that come with pregnancy. 

Conceive and have a healthy pregnancy with the help of acupuncture for IVF and IUI support

The world of IVF and IUI can be stressful, overwhelming, and intimidating. Let acupuncture take a load off your mind. Acupuncture can help you navigate your way through assisted fertility treatments, and ensure that this investment in your family’s future is a successful one. 

At Integrative Healing Arts, we’ve used acupuncture (and a variety of other holistic therapies, too!) to help hundreds of women get pregnant. We also highly recommend continuing acupuncture throughout your pregnancy, and even postpartum, to help your body support your growing child before and after birth. 

Overall, acupuncture is a safe, non-invasive supportive therapy that can supercharge your IVF and IUI treatment plan, allowing you to get pregnant on your very first try. Get in touch with our office today to learn more about how acupuncture for IVF and IUI support can benefit you.