Acupuncture For Pregnancy Back Pain Relief

The minute you find out you’re pregnant is life-changing. Pregnancy is a special time in any mom-to-be’s life, but it’s also challenging. The hormonal fluctuations created by pregnancy can contribute to a variety of unpleasant symptoms, from ankle swelling and morning sickness to fatigue and insatiable cravings. Some women experience a more severe set of symptoms than others, but almost all pregnant women experience back pain at some point during their gestation. If you’re struggling with musculoskeletal issues that are only getting worse from one trimester to the next, why not consider acupuncture for pregnancy back pain relief?

Acupuncture is a safe, holistic treatment for back pain caused by pregnancy. Acupuncture releases tension and supports healthy muscle function all while releasing endorphins, which can raise your pain threshold naturally. 

How does acupuncture treat pregnancy-related back pain?

Carrying your baby is a special experience, but it takes a real physical toll, too. As your baby develops, not only does it begin pressing on surrounding organs and nerves, but it also places an additional strain on your muscles, as they’re forced to stretch and contract to support the growing weight.

Acupuncture has so many benefits to offer pregnant women. From your first trimester to your last, acupuncture can help you cope with the many different symptoms of pregnancy, and it’s completely safe for both you and your baby.

When it comes to treating back pain specifically, acupuncture works wonders because of its ability to release muscle tension. This will make you feel more relaxed and encourage your muscles to work efficiently, without spasming and creating discomfort.

Acupuncture has been shown to significantly reduce back pain in pregnant women, and not only because of its ability to ease muscle tension. Interestingly, acupuncture also has a strong influence on the way your body perceives pain. Acupuncture triggers the release of endorphins. These neurotransmitters act as all-natural pain relief by increasing your pain threshold naturally. Endorphins also promote a sense of well-being, so you feel less stressed all the way around. 

Can acupuncture treat hip and pelvic pain, too?

Back pain is a major complaint for many pregnant women, and it’s not uncommon for that pain to radiate to the hips and pelvic area. It’s little wonder why! Nevertheless, it can be incredibly painful and make it difficult to get comfortable.

Studies show that acupuncture is just as effective at treating hip and pelvic pain as it is at treating back pain. Acupuncture reduces pain and supports the normal function of the musculoskeletal system, making it easier to tackle pregnancy workouts or simply engage in your day-to-day activities.

Two additional benefits of using acupuncture include improving urinary continence, both before and after labor, by strengthing the muscles in the pelvic floor and promoting uterine tone to keep your baby in the proper position before birth.

Acupuncture can help you maintain bladder function as you near the end of your pregnancy, and overcome incontinence issues afterward. And because acupuncture can help keep your baby in the correct position, this also works to alleviate hip, pelvic, and back pain and improve your chances of an uncomplicated delivery. 

Can acupuncture treat pregnancy-related sciatica?

We know that acupuncture is great for addressing muscle tension. But let’s circle back for just a minute and talk about how acupuncture can also alleviate nerve pain. As your baby gets bigger from week to week, it pushes on surrounding organs, placing pressure on your spinal column, and leading to symptoms of sciatica

Many pregnant women struggle with back pain, as well as leg numbness and a sensation of pressure in the pelvic region. Regular acupuncture sessions can help you cope with these unpleasant side effects of pregnancy by improving circulation to your lower back and legs and supporting healthy nerve function

Sciatica and nerve pain are usually at their worst in the third trimester of pregnancy. That’s when the baby is at its biggest, so it only makes sense. Mothers carrying twins or triplets often have an even tougher time with sciatica. Fortunately, acupuncture has proven to be a safe holistic therapy for this type of back pain. 

Although it’s possible to experience a significant improvement in your symptoms after just one acupuncture session, studies show that regular sessions throughout pregnancy are most effective for managing sciatica pain. 

Acupuncture supports healthy muscle function throughout pregnancy (and afterward, too!)

When you’re pregnant, you’re muscles have to work twice as hard to support your baby and keep you balanced at the same time. It takes a lot of effort! So keeping your muscles in good working order is a must if you want to keep your pain levels under control. Staying active by engaging in regular gentle exercise is a great start. But acupuncture can help, too.

Good muscle function will also become important during childbirth. Ensuring your muscles are working together, and functioning properly, encourages efficient contractions. Good contractions can cut down on your labor time. It also makes it easier for your body to expel the placenta.

It’s also worth noting that, for some women, back pain doesn’t just magically go away after labor. Some women experience postpartum sciatica or simply have trouble eliminating their back pain after 9 months of carrying around a baby. Acupuncture can be beneficial in these cases as well.

Because acupuncture eases muscle tension and promotes healthy musculoskeletal function, it can be used to help your body recover in the weeks after you give birth. As your muscles re-adjust, acupuncture will help prevent them from becoming strained or developing painful knots. Furthermore, acupuncture can help you cope with the stressors of being a new mom, improving your appetite, regulating postpartum hormones, and improving sleep quality. 

Get in touch with us today

Back pain, and other symptoms of pregnancy, may be inevitable. However, they can be managed with the help of acupuncture.

At Integrative Healing Arts, we have years of experience helping women find relief from their debilitating pregnancy symptoms. We know that no two women are alike and that every pregnancy is different. We’ll work with you to help you cope with your pregnancy symptoms and get back on your feet after delivery. 

Get in touch with our office to book your first appointment and start enjoying the healing powers of acupuncture today.