Acupuncture For Male Fertility

For many couples, getting pregnant isn’t as easy as one, two, three. If you and your partner are planning on expanding your family in the near future, it’s an exciting decision. But it can also be a stressful one, especially if you’ve struggled with infertility issues in the past. Acupuncture is the holistic treatment of choice for many women struggling to get pregnant. But acupuncture can be used to support men, too. If you want to do everything you can to support your reproductive health, here’s how acupuncture for male fertility can help.

Acupuncture increases blood flow to the reproductive organs, improving testicular function, as well as sperm quality and motility. Additionally, acupuncture works to balance hormones and reduce stress levels. 

Acupuncture enhances blood flow to the reproductive organs

One of the big reasons why so many men struggle with infertility and sexual dysfunction is simply because they have poor circulation. Inadequate blood flow to any part of the body means that part of the body can’t function properly. The concept is no different for the reproductive organs.

When we assess a client during an acupuncture session, we don’t just start sticking needles in. First, we look for underlying imbalances and blocked pathways that need a little help to restore the flow of energy. Identifying dysfunction allows us to use acupuncture to rebalance the body, mind, and soul. All of this also improves blood flow.

Once we’ve determined where your body needs help, we’ll insert needles into the correct corresponding points. The act of inserting the needle quickly stimulates circulation, resulting in a rush of blood flow to the surrounding area. Regular sessions improve blood flow throughout the body, ensuring your reproductive organs get all of the oxygen, hormones, and nutrients they need to function properly. 

Acupuncture supports healthy testicular function

Because it enhances blood flow to the reproductive organs, acupuncture significantly improves testicular function. But that’s not the only way that acupuncture can support testicular health. Acupuncture also exerts a potent effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular (HPT) axis, the biofeedback loop that controls male sexual function.

This dual effect that acupuncture has on the testicles results in improved sperm quality and motility. One study showed that men who received acupuncture had a greater concentration of healthy sperm than men who did not. If you and your partner are trying to get pregnant, improving testicular function is key!

At Integrative Healing Arts, we’ve had couples come to our clinic looking to improve their reproductive health together. In the same way that acupuncture enhances testicular function, it also improves ovulation. We’ve successfully treated women, including those who were told they were too old to conceive, get pregnant with the help of acupuncture.

Couples’ acupuncture treatments may not be what you’d call a romantic date night. But if your goal is to support your reproductive health and expand your family, it’s a great start!

Acupuncture supports healthy hormone levels

Let’s go back to the HPT axis for a moment. This biofeedback system is quite complex, and can easily become disrupted based on a variety of factors. Understanding that your HPT axis is dysfunctional is only part of the battle. It’s getting things back in order that’s the tricky part.

But why, exactly, is the HPT axis important? It all comes down to hormones. The hypothalamus detects how much testosterone is currently circulating in your bloodstream. If testosterone levels are too low, it sends a signal to the pituitary gland, which responds by ramping up luteinizing hormone (LH), which, in turn, tells the testicles to produce more testosterone.

Environmental stressors, a sedentary lifestyle, poor dietary choices, and exposure to endocrine disruptors found in common household items can all contribute to HPT axis dysfunction. Even though this sounds like a complicated problem (and, make no mistake, it can be!), acupuncture can help you right the ship and get your HPT axis back on course.

Acupuncture works on the endocrine system directly, normalizing HPT axis function by restoring healthy hormone levels. Regular acupuncture treatments raise testosterone levels and bring LH levels down, boosting your fertility naturally. 

Acupuncture reduces stress and supports general health

Stress is a libido killer, mostly because it causes testosterone levels to tank. But stress doesn’t just take a toll on your sex drive. The stress of everyday life, coupled with the stress of trying to conceive, can actually block conception entirely.

We’ve seen many women who weren’t able to conceive until they could take a moment to relax. A two-week vacation from work and, what do you know? They get pregnant. Often, it’s the same with men. Their fertility doesn’t improve until they get their stress levels under control.

Men who are under a lot of stress tend to have much poorer sperm counts, and the sperm they produce also tends to be of a lower quality. This is a one-two punch that can make conception extremely difficult, if not impossible.

The good news is that acupuncture is an excellent tool for reducing stress levels. Acupuncture stimulates the release of endorphins that regulate your mood and create a sense of well-being, making it much easier to cope with stress. This has a positive effect on your HPT axis, improving testosterone production and, of course, sperm quality.

Get in touch with Integrative Healing Arts today

Infertility is a multifaceted issue that can stem from a variety of underlying causes. Acupuncture can be used to support your fertility naturally, regardless of where the problem originates from. We love helping our clients overcome their fertility struggles and finally expand their families.

Although acupuncture is our main line of defense when it comes to correcting hormonal issues, we also utilize other holistic therapies. Depending on your circumstances, we may recommend herbal medicine blends, a stress management program, or other health and wellness strategies to enhance your reproductive health.

Get in touch with our clinic today to book your first appointment. At Integrative Healing Arts, we have the knowledge, expertise, and empathy to help you through your fertility struggles so you can make your dreams of having children come true.