Acupuncture For Increased Fertility Success Rates

You and your partner have been trying to get pregnant for quite a while now, and it seems like it’s just not in the cards for you. Infertility is a major struggle for many couples, and the stress that comes with it can make it even more difficult to get pregnant, creating a vicious cycle. Acupuncture has been used for centuries to support reproductive health, and we’ve seen firsthand how effective it is at restoring fertility. But just how does acupuncture boost fertility success rates?

Acupuncture sessions enhance fertility by increasing circulation to the ovaries and testes, thereby improving function. Additionally, acupuncture prepares the endometrium for implantation, making it especially useful for IVF and IUI treatment success.

Does acupuncture improve fertility success rates?

Acupuncture has proven to be effective at improving fertility success rates, even in mothers who were told they were too old to get pregnant naturally. We’ve seen countless women who were told there was no hope finally get pregnant after a round of acupuncture sessions.

One of the reasons why acupuncture is so good at enhancing fertility is because it supports healthy menstrual cycles. This means better hormone levels and normal ovulation, both of which are essential for conception.

The regulatory effect that acupuncture has on female hormones and reproductive health in general leads to an increase in fertility success rates. This benefit extends even to women who struggle with hormonal disorders, like PCOS

Acupuncture enhances success rates in IVF and IUI treatments

Assisted reproduction has been a medical breakthrough, allowing many women to finally conceive and give birth. Acupuncture is safe and free of negative side effects, which makes it a suitable supportive therapy that can be used alongside IVF and IUI treatments.

In a study, acupuncture was found to increase IVF success rates by up to 65%. Women who participated in the study received acupuncture within a day or two of embryo transfer.

The increase in fertility rate is believed to be due to the better blood flow to the reproductive tract, as well as the significant reduction in stress that acupuncture provides, which naturally makes the body more receptive to conception.

Acupuncture is effective in increasing IUI success rates as well. By improving the quality and thickness of the endometrium and supporting uterine tone, acupuncture prepares the body for implantation.

But acupuncture doesn't just boost your chances of getting pregnant with assisted reproductive therapies. Regular acupuncture treatments have been associated with an improved rate of pregnancy and live birth. So not only will acupuncture make you more likely to conceive early on in your IVF/IUI treatments, but it also has the ability to enhance your chances of carrying a baby to term.

What makes acupuncture so great at enhancing fertility?

Infertility isn’t necessarily a concrete diagnosis. Your fertility levels can change based on your dietary and lifestyle choices, and, especially, your stress levels. Often, men and women experience transient infertility that is the result of underlying hormonal imbalances or poor blood flow to the reproductive organs. Restoring fertility is a matter of correcting these underlying issues.

Acupuncture is highly beneficial when it comes to treating infertility because it works on multiple fronts. First, it helps alleviate stress. This alone is enough to help many men and women overcome their infertility struggles. But, on top of that, acupuncture also has a normalizing effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, improving hormone levels and enhancing ovarian function and testicular function.

Acupuncture also stimulates better blood flow to the reproductive organs. And, this, too, supports reproductive health by enhancing egg quality in women and sperm quality and motility in men. All of these factors in combination make acupuncture a powerhouse for restoring fertility.

For best results, we advise our clients to begin acupuncture treatments 6 to 12 months prior to trying to conceive. This way, your body has plenty of time to sort things out and get ready for reproduction. Acupuncture has a cumulative effect, so the more treatments you have under your belt before trying for a baby, the better your fertility will be, and the higher your chances of a successful pregnancy. 

Using holistic medicine to support reproductive health

When a client comes into our clinic looking to enhance their fertility, acupuncture is our go-to treatment. But it’s hardly the only option. We make use of a variety of holistic medicines and therapies to enhance an individual’s reproductive health based on their unique bodily needs.

In many cases, herbal medicine is advised. Certain herbal blends work with the body to address underlying concerns and bring the body, mind, and spirit back into alignment. Used in the correct doses and for the right amount of time, herbal medicinal blends can work wonders for improving pregnancy rates — but herbal medicine should only be used under the guidance of an expert herbalist.

Stress management is also paramount, especially if you’re undergoing IVF or IUI. High stress can block conception, so getting a full 8 hours of sleep every night, and taking additional measures to keep your stress under control, are essential. If you know you need to rein in stress, but you’re not sure where to start, we’ll help you come up with a strategy that works for you.

Using a combination of holistic therapies will give your body the support it needs to restore fertility. Remember, the body always wants to heal itself. When you give it what it needs to get better, in most cases, it can handle the rest on its own. 

Contact Integrative Healing Arts today!

Whether you’re hoping to get pregnant naturally, or are planning to undergo IVF or IUI treatments in the future, you can get started with acupuncture today.

Get in touch with our clinic to learn more about how acupuncture can help you as you embark on your fertility journey.

At Integrative Healing Arts, helping couples get pregnant is one of the highlights of our job. We’ll be there to offer you the guidance and support you need as you work your way toward attaining the baby of your dreams.