7 Chinese Herbs For Fertility Over 40

Many women over the age of 40 believe that they won’t be able to get pregnant on their own. But at Integrative Healing Arts, we’ve helped many mothers get pregnant, even over the age of 40. When you support your body’s overall health, this enhances fertility naturally. There are a number of alternative therapies that we rely on to help women over 40 conceive, including acupuncture and massage. But these 7 Chinese herbs for fertility over 40 can work wonders, too!

Customized protocols including traditional Chinese herbs like Fu Ling, Bai Shao, and Yu Mi Cao, can address menstrual irregularities, optimize egg quality, and enhance ovulation naturally in women over 40. 

Why do women over 40 struggle with infertility?

As we age, our hormone levels decline. Female sex hormones, including estrogen and progesterone, begin to fall, and this can disrupt your fertility. By the time many women reach their forties, they’ve entered perimenopause. 

Knowing that your biological clock is ticking can be stressful, and, unfortunately, stress does nothing to help you conceive. Feeling worried and anxious all the time can make getting pregnant on your own seem impossible. 

Of course, it’s not impossible. There are thousands of women over the age of 40 who have conceived and had healthy pregnancies and beautiful babies on their own. How are they able to do it? By reducing stress and taking measures to support their fertility. 

We rely on a number of therapies to help women manage their stress levels and realign their mental, physical, and spiritual health. We address every facet of your health to improve your chances of getting pregnant on your own — and Chinese herbs play a huge role in our game plan.

What are the best Chinese herbs for fertility over 40?

Age plays a role in determining a woman’s fertility level. Some things are just beyond our control. But other factors that influence fertility, including diet and lifestyle choices, are within our control. 

Creating a fertility support plan that supports your overall health is key to getting pregnant over 40. Chinese herbal medicine acts as the cherry on top of the sundae, the linchpin of your fertility and wellness program to help you get pregnant on your own. 

Huang Qi (Astragalus)

Sometimes called milkvetch, Huang Qi strengthens the immune system and reduces systemic inflammation that can be caused by a poor diet, seasonal allergies, and, of course, stress. 

Huang Qi is adaptogenic in nature, meaning it supports your body’s ability to regulate and heal itself. Because Huang Qi is so effective at improving stress tolerance and promoting a sense of calm, it can be invaluable for improving fertility, especially when used with other herbs.

Yi Mu Cao (Chinese Motherwort)

This herb stimulates the blood and is used to treat a variety of gynecological issues. Many women, regardless of age, experience menstrual irregularities. If you struggle with PMS, menstrual cramps, swelling, and irregular periods, Yi Mu Cao can help. 

If your menstrual cycles are too long, too short, excessively heavy, or scanty and light, all of these things indicate that your fertility is suffering. 

We use Yi Mu Cao to help regulate a woman’s cycles, which can dramatically improve your chances of conceiving after 40.

Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis)

For women struggling with ovulation issues, whether it’s anovulatory cycles or an underlying gynecological condition, like uterine fibroids, Dong Quai can be used to promote healthy ovulation. 

Not only does Dong Quai help your body ovulate normally, but it also supports egg quality by increasing blood flow to the reproductive system and supporting healthy hormone levels. 

Fu Ling (Poria)

Another important aspect of fertility is detoxification. 

Toxins hinder your body’s ability to function properly. If you’re overloaded with toxins, your endocrine system will take the hit. Since the endocrine system is responsible for producing hormones, your reproductive health can suffer, too.

Fu Ling helps oxygenate the blood and get things moving, so your body can clear out waste products and control inflammation

Because Fu Ling stimulates blood flow, it’s excellent for treating heavy menstrual cycles and other irregularities that may be contributing to your infertility. 

Bai Shao (White Peony)

Fu Ling is often paired with Bai Shao to treat infertility. This herb enhances reproductive health by supporting the liver. 

Bai Shao is highly effective when it comes to detoxing. This herb also improves blood flow, fighting stagnation that can contribute to heavy menses, clotting, and other menstrual issues. 

In a 2012 review, Bai Shao was found to increase aromatase activity to turn testosterone into estrogen. This makes it particularly useful for treating women with elevated androgen levels, including those who struggle with PCOS. 

Man Jing Zi (Vitex)

Man Jing Zi acts as a tonic to the reproductive system. Specifically, this herb stimulates the pituitary gland, allowing the body to produce more luteinizing hormone and progesterone. 

Man Jing Zi lengthens the luteal phase, the period of time between ovulation and menstruation. If your luteal phase is too short, you may have low progesterone levels. 

Overall, Man Jing Zi helps regulate hormone levels naturally to enhance your fertility and stretch your window of conception.    

Sheng Ma (Black Cohosh)

For women who are feeling stressed and suffer from painful periods, there’s Sheng Ma. This herb calms the nervous system, easing spasmodic muscles and supporting healthy, regular cycles.

Sheng Ma is often recommended to women who suffer from PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). 

In one study, which involved 98 women over the age of 35 with PCOS, 34.8% of the group that was treated with Sheng Ma achieved successful pregnancy, while only 17.2% of the control group was able to do so.  

Always seek professional guidance when using Chinese Herbal Medicine

At Integrative Healing Arts, we rely on Chinese herbal blends to help women overcome their infertility and improve their reproductive health.

That said, herbs can be incredibly powerful, and can exert different effects on different people. 

Every woman is different, and we strongly advise against using herbs without professional guidance. Choosing the wrong herbs, or even using the right herbs for too long a time, can worsen your condition. 

If you’re interested in using herbs to restore your fertility, seek out professional guidance first and work with an experienced, trained herbalist to determine which formulas will work best for you. 

Booking your first appointment

When you book your first appointment with Integrative Healing Arts, you can be confident that you’ve taken the first step to improving your fertility. 

During your visit, Tsao will listen to your history, health concerns, and fertility goals, and help you create a plan that supports you on your path to pregnancy. 

Trying to conceive can be stressful, no matter what age you are. If you’re over 40 and struggling to get pregnant, you don’t have to take this journey alone. 

You can trust Tsao’s years of experience and wealth of knowledge to help you conceive naturally and have the baby you’ve always dreamed of.