Impressive Acupuncture And IUI Studies

Assisted reproductive technologies have helped countless couples welcome the babies of their dreams. Intrauterine insemination, or IUI, is a particularly popular choice thanks to its non-invasive nature and relative affordability. Because IUI is still a medical intervention, it’s not unreasonable to have some reservations about the procedure’s effectiveness. If you want to do everything you can to improve your IUI experience and it is a success, acupuncture could prove to be the support to enlist in your fertility plan. Let’s take a look at these impressive acupuncture and IUI studies to find out exactly how acupuncture can help you get pregnant.

Research shows acupuncture improves hormone levels and supports healthy ovulation, which is critical for IUI success. By enhancing blood flow to the uterus, acupuncture prepares the endometrium for conception to boost your chances of implantation. 

Acupuncture supports hormonal health

Acupuncture has been used for centuries to address all manner of hormonal issues. At Integrative Healing Arts, we use acupuncture to treat many hormonal conditions, including PCOS, endometriosis, idiopathic infertility, and everything in between. When it comes to enhancing your fertility in preparation for IUI, acupuncture has a proven track record.

In a study that evaluated acupuncture’s effects on estrogen, progesterone, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH), researchers found that acupuncture increases estrogen and progesterone during the first half of the menstrual cycle (follicular phase), and decreases estrogen and progesterone levels during the second half of the menstrual cycle (luteal phase).

Although this rise and fall of estrogen and progesterone does not perfectly mimic the natural pattern of hormone production throughout the menstrual cycle, the study illustrates that acupuncture can be used to our advantage when preparing for IUI. Improving estrogen and progesterone levels at the beginning of the menstrual cycle can help the body balance hormones. This means we can use acupuncture to help women normalize their menstrual cycles before and during their IUI procedure. 

Acupuncture aids in healthy ovulation 

Healthy hormone levels support healthy ovulation. When estrogen and progesterone levels are in perfect harmony, and FSH and LH levels are working together, it’s much easier to achieve ovulation. And good ovulation is a major step toward success for any woman undergoing IUI treatments. Now, let’s look at another study, this time, one that illustrates acupuncture’s effectiveness at boosting ovulation.

In this study, which compared the effects of acupuncture on women with PCOS, participants who received acupuncture for a period of 10 to 13 weeks ovulated more frequently than participants in the control group. The study noted that ovulation in the acupuncture group was high at 41%. Researchers believe the increase in ovulation in women with PCOS who received acupuncture was due to the treatment’s ability to reduce testosterone levels, which can inhibit ovulation.

It’s also worth noting that acupuncture can support ovulation simply by increasing blood flow to the ovaries. Adequate circulation to the reproductive tract ensures the ovaries have ready access to red blood cells and oxygen, both of which support ovulation. Additionally, good blood flow is critical in ensuring the ovaries receive all of the hormones they need to function properly.

Because acupuncture supports healthy ovulation, it can be an invaluable tool for women undergoing IUI treatments. Acupuncture is so powerful when it comes to boosting ovarian health that many women choose to undergo acupuncture treatment during IVF stimulation to boost their chances of producing a viable embryo.

Acupuncture prepares the uterus for conception

Fertility is multifaceted with many different factors at play. Getting your hormones balanced and supporting ovulation are perhaps the most important steps in restoring and maintaining your reproductive health. But preparing the uterus for conception is another important step, and it shouldn’t be overlooked.

Here’s another study, one that examines acupuncture’s ability to prepare the uterus for assisted reproductive therapies including IUI and IVF transfer. The study found that women who received acupuncture in addition to IUI had significantly higher pregnancy and live birth rates than women who underwent IUI treatments alone.

According to the study, women who received acupuncture before and during the IUI process were 3 to 4 times more likely to conceive and 3 to 4 times more likely to give birth. The authors of the study believe this effect is, in part, due to acupuncture’s ability to increase blood flow to the uterus. Adequate circulation helps tone the uterus to prevent contractions, which can inhibit conception after IUI. 

Acupuncture can help you sustain a pregnancy

It’s estimated that 88% of successful IUIs happen within three cycles, and 95% of successful IUIs happen within four cycles. Although it’s possible to get pregnant during your first IUI procedure, it’s not unusual to need several rounds before a pregnancy “sticks”. Conceiving is one thing, but implantation is another. Fortunately, acupuncture can be used to support the implantation process.

For some women, recurrent implantation failure (RIF) is the underlying cause of their infertility. This can be a frustrating setback for women trying to get pregnant and can create more uncertainty about IUI treatments. However, research shows that acupuncture can improve the odds of implantation, making it a suitable adjunct therapy for women who tend to suffer from early pregnancy loss.

In this study, acupuncture was shown to benefit women who struggled with RIF by increasing the clinical pregnancy rate (CPR). Researchers aren’t entirely sure how acupuncture supports implantation. However, it’s believed that because acupuncture redirects blood flow to the uterus, this enables the body to produce a healthy endometrium, which makes the uterus more receptive to implantation. 

Get in touch with our office today

Acupuncture has many benefits to offer women undergoing IUI treatments, but other therapies have been found to be effective as well. Studies also show that herbal medicine can benefit women receiving IUI and other assisted reproductive treatments.

At Integrative Healing Arts, we utilize multiple holistic therapies on a case-by-case basis to help our clients overcome their fertility challenges and finally get pregnant. We’re here to help you, too!

Get in touch with our office today to learn more about how acupuncture can support you during fertility treatments. We’ll work with you to create a customized treatment plan that supports you on your path to pregnancy.