Why You Should Use Acupuncture After IVF Transfer

For our clients scheduled to begin IVF treatments, we advise them to start acupuncture sessions a minimum of 2 to 3 months ahead of time. This is a great way to manage stress levels and help the body “focus”, so to speak, on fertility. Acupuncture is incredibly helpful for improving fertility, so it’s a popular complementary therapy for women undergoing IVF. But acupuncture can also play a critical role post IVF, by boosting the odds of a successful implantation. If you’re still not sure if acupuncture is right for you, here are a few good reasons why you should consider using acupuncture after IVF transfer.

Getting acupuncture after embryo transfer increases circulation to the uterus, which encourages implantation and alleviates pain and cramping. Additionally, acupuncture can help reduce stress and support hormonal health after your IVF treatment.

Acupuncture after embryo transfer increases circulation to the uterus

Good circulation to the reproductive system is critical after embryo transfer. Adequate blood flow provides the uterus with oxygen and red blood cells, which it needs to function optimally. Improving circulation with the help of acupuncture tones the uterus, and makes it more receptive to embryo transfer.

Because acupuncture directs blood flow to the reproductive tract, it can also enhance ovarian function. Acupuncture can be used during the stimulation phase of IVF treatments to support ovulation. Studies show acupuncture can increase ovarian reserve, even in women who have hormonal issues that may contribute to diminished ovarian reserve, like PCOS.

It’s also worth noting that acupuncture has a calming effect on the nervous system. If you’ve ever had acupuncture before, you know just how relaxing it can be! Getting acupuncture shortly after your procedure reduces stress levels, which are often high in IVF patients. This helps prevent uterine contractions that could prevent a successful transfer.

For best results, we recommend getting acupuncture within 24 hours of your embryo transfer, with a follow-up session a few days later. This will help support good circulation to the uterus during this critical period, and boost your chances of a successful IVF transfer

Acupuncture nourishes the embryo

Just as better blood flow nourishes the uterus and ovaries, it also nourishes the newly transferred embryo, further increasing your chances of success with IVF. Because acupuncture boosts circulation to the uterus, it can help thicken the endometrium.

A healthy endometrium supports your growing baby. It also protects them from microbial invasion during your pregnancy, ensuring you carry your baby to term and minimizing the risk of complications. Although the endometrium isn’t talked about as much as it should be when it comes to fertility, especially compared to other factors like ovulation and hormonal balance, its importance cannot be overstated.

The endometrium supplies the embryo with oxygen and nutrients, both of which are essential for your baby’s development. If you’ve struggled to conceive due to a thin endometrium, acupuncture can help thicken the lining of the uterus to make it a more suitable environment for the embryo after transfer.

If you’re on your second, third, or fourth round of IVF treatments, or if you have suffered miscarriages in the past, getting acupuncture after your embryo transfer can provide your body with additional support so you can finally find success with IVF.

Acupuncture reduces pain associated with embryo transfer

Egg retrieval is probably the most painful and intense part of IVF treatments. This procedure involves using a needle to puncture the wall of the vagina and enter the ovaries to harvest eggs. Although patients are usually sedated, egg retrieval can cause significant discomfort afterward.

By contrast, embryo transfer is typically the least physically painful part of IVF, and many women don’t even require sedation. But even though the procedure itself is relatively pain-free, IVF embryo transfer can cause some side effects later on, including abdominal cramping and spotting. While physically the process is relatively tolerable; emotionally the stakes are higher than ever as the next few weeks are a waiting game.

It’s worth noting that it’s not unusual to experience these symptoms after an embryo transfer. They’re normal. However, they can also be uncomfortable. Fortunately, we can use acupuncture to our advantage. A well-timed acupuncture session shortly after your embryo transfer can soothe your pain and help you relax, easing any symptoms you may have.

Acupuncture stimulates the release of endorphins, powerful neurotransmitters that intercept the pain signals nerves send to your brain and raise your pain threshold naturally. Acupuncture also supports healthy muscle function, again, reducing uterine contractions to ease cramps caused by IVF. 

Acupuncture After IVF promotes hormone health

We talked about stress briefly earlier. Let’s circle back to it now. Stressors are everywhere. Between work, school (if you’re a student), and other responsibilities, we all deal with stress. But pile fertility struggles and expensive fertility treatments on top of your pre-existing stressors, and you’ve got a recipe for disaster. Stress management is of utmost importance during IVF to boost your chances of success.

It’s not at all unusual for women undergoing IVF treatments to feel overwhelmed. But, unfortunately, this tells the body to produce more stress hormones and fewer sex hormones. Chronic stress can block conception by exerting a negative effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. On the plus side, acupuncture can be used to mitigate the stress response and restore healthy sex hormone levels.

Acupuncture regulates the HPA axis, calming the nervous system, and effectively telling your body that everything is fine, and there’s no need to panic. Acupuncture’s soothing effect encourages the body to “switch gears” and go from fight or flight mode to optimizing fertility.

Acupuncture has been shown to regulate the production of estrogen, progesterone, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH). All of these hormones play an important role in conception, and in sustaining a pregnancy. Acupuncture’s ability to regulate sex hormones also makes it a helpful therapy for addressing many of the symptoms women struggle with postpartum, including weight gain and pelvic floor dysfunction.

Contact Integrative Healing Arts today

No matter what stage of IVF treatments you find yourself in, acupuncture can be utilized as an adjunct therapy to support you as you seek to enhance your fertility and expand your family.

If you’re ready to learn more about how acupuncture can make your IVF treatments more successful, and schedule an appointment for after your embryo transfer, contact our office.

At Integrative Healing Arts, we’ve helped countless women address their unique fertility issues and finally welcome the baby of their dreams. Get in touch today to get started.