Can You Get Acupuncture For Endometriosis?

More and more women are being diagnosed with endometriosis. This chronic condition occurs when tissue similar to that found in the lining of the uterus (endometrium) strays to other parts of the body. Endometriosis can lead to severe pain, heavy bleeding, painful bowel movements, and infertility. To make matters worse, the symptoms of endometriosis can persist even after your period ends. Fortunately, acupuncture for endometriosis can help you cope with this debilitating condition so you can get back on your feet.

Acupuncture works especially well for women who are dealing with endometriosis pain. Not only does acupuncture raise your pain threshold naturally, but it also works to balance your hormones and gently tone the muscles in your pelvic floor. 

How does acupuncture treat endometriosis pain?

Endometriosis is a complicated condition and one that we still don’t fully understand. We’re not sure what causes endometriosis. But what we do know is that, for some reason, some women develop lesions on different parts of their bodies, whether it’s their fallopian tubes, intestines, nose or knees. Every month during menstruation, this tissue bleeds, causing widespread inflammation and even scarring. 

The pain from endometriosis can make you feel exhausted and it can contribute to stress and emotional issues. It’s hard not to be moody when you’re in pain all of the time. But acupuncture can help you deal with your painful endometriosis symptoms, and help you regulate your emotions all at the same time, so you can feel great inside and out. 

As acupuncture needles are inserted, they immediately trigger the nervous system, causing nearby muscles to relax and release pent-up tension. Women who suffer from endometriosis often endure intense cramping. Because acupuncture encourages healthy muscle function, it can not only alleviate the pain in the short term, but it can retrain your muscles to work properly so you can avoid pain in the future. 

Another reason we recommend acupuncture for endometriosis is because acupuncture is believed to trigger the release of endorphins.Studies show acupuncture stimulates the release of neurotransmitters that are anti- inflammatory that naturally relieves pain. Inflammation is the underlying cause of pain.  Endorphins also enhance your mood and alleviate stress to help give you a positive outlook on life and a can-do attitude. 

Is acupuncture alone enough to treat your endometriosis symptoms?

Acupuncture is the gold-standard holistic treatment method when it comes to endometriosis. It’s highly effective at restoring hormonal health and pelvic muscle tone. Because acupuncture is so effective at stimulating healing, it can also break up painful adhesions caused by endometriosis

If you’re looking for alternative treatment methods for your endometriosis symptoms, then acupuncture is a great place to start. Acupuncture supports total body wellness, no matter what condition you’re currently grappling with, whether it’s endometriosis, sciatica, or migraines. But when it comes to creating a holistic treatment strategy, you’ll likely see more success when you combine healing methods. 

For women who are only experiencing mild symptoms of endometriosis, routine acupuncture sessions may be all they ever need to help them overcome their pain. But in severe cases, you may find other holistic treatment measures enhance the effects of acupuncture. At Integrative Healing Arts, we may recommend a combination of massage therapy and herbal medicine, too.  

Using several alternative therapies at once is just putting more irons in the fire. And because each of these therapies is adaptogenic in nature, supporting the body where it’s weak while simultaneously calming overactive systems, they’re often far more effective when used together. 

Can acupuncture for endometriosis help restore your fertility?

If you and your partner are trying to conceive, an endometriosis diagnosis can throw a wrench in your plans. But hundreds of women have been able to conceive naturally and give birth to healthy babies, in spite of their endometriosis, with the healing powers of acupuncture. 

Acupuncture treatments don’t just promote physical and mental relaxation. Regular sessions support hormonal health, and consequently, fertility. If your menstrual cycles are too short, too long, or even non-existent, acupuncture can help your body establish normal cycles. The better your sexual health, the healthier you are in general. 

And let’s not forget that stress can be a major contributor to infertility. Because acupuncture for endometriosis also mitigates your stress levels, it can make getting pregnant much easier, whether you’re trying to conceive naturally, or with the help of IVF treatments. 

How many acupuncture sessions will you need to treat endometriosis?

How often you’ll need to receive acupuncture for endometriosis depends on the severity of your symptoms. Mild cases may only require bi-weekly sessions whenever symptoms arise. But more complex cases may require bi-weekly treatments for a period of several months. 

During your session, we will work with you to determine the best strategy to treat your symptoms. We will determine the best pathways to restore energy and realign your mind, body, and spirit. Your treatments may stay the same, with needles being placed at the same points time after time. Or they may change as you progress, and call for a change in treatment strategy. 

It’s worth noting that you really can’t get acupuncture too often. Many patients receive acupuncture daily, with some patients taking a few weeks off in between treatment periods to resensitize their bodies to the treatment’s effects. 

Ultimately, we will work with you to assess your symptoms and help you determine how often you’ll need to receive acupuncture treatments. 

Booking your first appointment

If you’re ready to dive in and learn more about how acupuncture can help you overcome your endometriosis symptoms naturally, get in touch today. At Integrative Healing Arts, we’re committed to helping our clients get to the bottom of their health conditions. 

After assessing your constitution, we’ll work with you to uncover any systemic dysfunction that may be contributing to your endometriosis symptoms. This will allow us to treat you more effectively, so you can take back control of your health and live the life you’ve always dreamed of. 

Whether you want to conceive another child, or just put a stop to your painful monthly symptoms, when you book an appointment with us, we’ll be there to help you throughout your health journey.