What Are The Benefits Of Acupuncture For Fertility?

Some couples never think twice about their fertility. They get pregnant on their first try. But many men and women struggle with infertility which can make conception seem impossible. Infertility is a complex issue that can be caused by a variety of different factors. But at Integrative Healing Arts, we have yet to meet a client who didn’t benefit in some way from acupuncture sessions. Acupuncture is an all-natural treatment method that works with your body. It’s a simple way to support reproductive health. But just what are the benefits of acupuncture for fertility?

Acupuncture is useful for improving fertility in both men and women. Regular sessions normalize hormone levels, increase blood flow to the reproductive tract, and enhance sperm and egg quality. 

Acupuncture normalizes hormone levels in men and women

If you and your partner are trying for a baby, hidden hormonal imbalances may be sabotaging your efforts. Healthy hormone levels are a good indicator of fertility, so for men, that means optimizing testosterone levels, and for women, regulating menstrual cycles.

Of course, both of these tasks can be easier said than done. Stress from work and everyday responsibilities, combined with poor dietary and lifestyle choices, can throw your hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis off kilter. Certain health conditions can also influence fertility.

For instance, women who struggle with PCOS often have trouble conceiving on their own. Insulin resistance, as well as endocrine disorders like hypothyroidism, may also have a negative impact on your hormones. There are many factors at play when it comes to your hormone levels, and it can feel overwhelming at times. Fortunately, acupuncture can help you overcome them all and restore hormonal balance.

In women, acupuncture has long been used to regulate menstrual cycles by improving estrogen, progesterone, luteinizing hormone (LH), and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels. Men also benefit, as acupuncture reduces FSH and LH and increases testosterone. The result in both men and women is not only enhanced fertility but also improved sex drive.

Acupuncture improves egg and sperm quality

Acupuncture has the power to normalize hormone levels, and that will go a long way toward improving your fertility on its own. But another thing acupuncture does is improve circulation. By utilizing the correct pathways, the needles we place can direct more blood and energy to the reproductive tract, which supports healthy gonadal function.

Women who have undergone acupuncture treatments show an improvement in ovarian activity. For women who struggle to ovulate, acupuncture can be tremendously beneficial. Acupuncture treatments also result in improved egg quality and better endometrial receptiveness.

As for men, acupuncture significantly enhances blood flow to the testicles, which leads to an uptick in sperm production. The sperm of men who choose acupuncture treatments is also generally of a higher quality and has better motility than the sperm of men who do not undergo acupuncture.

Overall, acupuncture’s regulatory effects on hormones and the endocrine system in general, coupled with its ability to improve blood flow to the reproductive organs, make it a useful tool for men and women dealing with infertility.

Acupuncture helps you manage stress levels

Stress. We all have it. Chances are, if you and your partner are trying to conceive, you’re feeling more stressed than ever before. And the more you try not to stress out, the more stressed out you feel. But, don’t sweat it — acupuncture’s got you covered once again!

Acupuncture has long been used to promote a sense of relaxation, and the way it works is twofold. First, as needles are inserted, they cause muscles to release tension. When we feel overwhelmed, we often unconsciously tense up our muscles. Acupuncture forces them to relax, so you can physically “loosen up”.

On top of this, acupuncture enhances the mood by altering your brain chemistry. Acupuncture is believed to trigger the release of endorphins and oxytocin. It also leads to an increase in serotonin activity in the brain. Both of these “happy” neurochemicals help to put you at ease, so it’s easier for you to handle stress and take things all in stride.

Whether you’re currently trying to get pregnant, are planning on expanding your family in the future, or are simply trying to improve your general health, it’s important to manage your stress levels. Acupuncture is perhaps the best holistic treatment for stress there ever was. Adding acupuncture to your stress management program is an excellent way to support your general wellness. 

Acupuncture has no negative side effects

If you’re dealing with infertility issues, it can be tempting to turn to pharmaceuticals to try to force your body into fertility. The medications your doctor suggested may hijack your biological processes and artificially enhance your fertility. But, often, these medications come with a laundry list of bad side effects.

Acupuncture, on the other hand, is completely safe. It’s non-invasive and does not cause side effects. Because it doesn’t cause residual symptoms, acupuncture has nothing but benefits to offer. It’s what we call supportive therapy. It helps your body help itself, encouraging each bodily system to function as it should without forcing anything.

Whether you choose to go with the Western medicine route to fertility is up to you. Either way, acupuncture can play an important role in your path to pregnancy. We’ve helped many couples restore and preserve their fertility with acupuncture alone. But we’ve also helped couples who use IVF/IUI conceive, too. We’re happy to work with you to figure out which method is just the right fit. 

Contact us today to get started

At Integrative Healing Arts, we’ve treated countless men and women for infertility issues. We have the experience and knowledge to help you and your partner achieve your fertility goals, whether you try to conceive naturally or with the help of IVF or IUI.

Every case is unique, and we believe in treating each individual accordingly. So, in addition to acupuncture, we often rely on other holistic therapies, including massage and herbal medicine, to meet every client’s needs.

Contact our clinic today to book your first appointment. We’ll work with you to create a customized treatment plan that will support your reproductive health.