Acupuncture For Postpartum Anxiety And Depression

Postpartum hormone fluctuations can put you through the emotional ringer. Even if you’ve never struggled with anxiety before, you may develop anxiety after giving birth simply because your hormones are out of balance. For women suffering from depression and anxiety after their pregnancies, acupuncture can help improve their moods and emotional stability. But what makes acupuncture for postpartum anxiety so effective?

Acupuncture is a safe treatment for women suffering from postpartum depression and anxiety. Regular acupuncture sessions relieve stress, modulate neurotransmitter activity, and balance hormones. 

Acupuncture relieves stress

Caring for your newborn is a special time, but it can also be overwhelming. Newborns sleep 12 to 16 hours a day, which sounds like a lot. But because they sleep in short bursts of 20 to 50 minutes at a time, it can make getting a full night’s sleep nearly impossible. And trying to care for a baby when you’re short on sleep, at a time when you desperately need to rest, is stressful, to say the least.

New moms need to give their bodies time to heal. At Integrative Healing Arts, we advise new moms of the practice of the Chinese tradition “Zuo Yue Zi”, or “sitting the month”. This period focuses on resting as much as possible to recover from pregnancy, eating nourishing, blood-building foods, and bonding with your baby. While we realize that for many women, a complete month of rest with support isn’t possible, we can still make postpartum health a priority.

Whether you’re able to practice the one-month sitting or not, acupuncture is a non-drug therapy that can help as you recover after pregnancy and promote healing. Acupuncture has been shown to reduce the perception of stress. This effect is so potent that acupuncture is often recommended for women undergoing IVF or IUI, as it can significantly enhance embryo transfer success rates.

Stress is a major contributor to anxiety. With a newborn to care for, it can be hard to remember to take care of your needs. With so much to do, it can feel like your world is spinning out of control. By making acupuncture part of your stress management plan, you can address your anxiety and your whole body’s healing.  

Acupuncture combats insomnia

Many new moms will experience sleepless nights and insomnia. A big part of that is because babies have unpredictable sleep patterns. What can you do? Anxiety can also play a role in insomnia after pregnancy. Because acupuncture promotes relaxation and feel-good chemicals that help regulate the circadian rhythm, it can make it easier for you to sleep when the baby sleeps and give your full love and attention to your child.

Acupuncture influences the release of melatonin, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), norepinephrine, and endorphins. These neurotransmitters play an important role in sleep cycles. Not only that, but they also influence anxiety levels. GABA, for instance, has a calming effect on the brain, while endorphins can enhance your sense of well-being by inhibiting anxiety.

During an acupuncture session, needles are placed into specific acupuncture points along energy lines known as meridians. The needles enter superficially and create “micro-trauma” to the tissue. You may experience a feeling of warmth and tingling around the needle and then notice a feeling of relaxation. This is the relaxation response from the parasympathetic nervous system known as rest and digest.

Acupuncture modulates neurotransmitters which means it addresses more than just muscle tension. When you feel less tension in your muscles, it is a sign that your body is able to experience deep relaxation mentally and emotionally. Less stress and can help you feel strong and confident as you navigate motherhood. So if your mind is keeping you up at night with worry or racing thoughts, acupuncture can help provide you with relief.

Acupuncture balances hormones after pregnancy

After pregnancy, your hormone levels are dramatically shifting, with estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone levels falling sharply. This is normal as your body readjusts after childbirth. The fluctuating hormones can result in crying spells, frustration, guilt, shame, feelings of anxiousness, on edge, and depression.

If you are breastfeeding, the demand on the body and feeding schedule can delay feeling physically and emotionally strong again. Acupuncture will make a positive difference to you as you recover post-pregnancy.

Numerous studies have shown acupuncture’s ability to improve postpartum depression. Because it's a non-drug and gentle, acupuncture can be used to help women cope with symptoms of depression even during pregnancy. Its adaptogenic nature makes it well-suited as an excellent supportive therapy, regardless of what stage of motherhood you are in.

Acupuncture is excellent for supporting women’s health and hormonal issues, including menopause, premature ovarian failure, menstrual cycle irregularities, and PCOS. It is a powerful and natural way to balance hormones after pregnancy. Studies show that acupuncture raises estrogen and progesterone, as well as prolactin, which is especially beneficial if you’re breastfeeding.

Hormonal balance is directly tied to mental and emotional well-being because hormones and neurotransmitters are inextricably linked. Estrogen, for instance, influences serotonin activity. When estrogen levels fall, so does serotonin activity, and this can lead to depression, low mood, and anxiety. Acupuncture influences both estrogen levels and serotonin activity so that you can enjoy the effects of this powerful “happy hormone”. 

Other therapies that can help treat postpartum anxiety and depression

It’s worth noting that other factors can contribute to postpartum anxiety and depression. Preexisting mood disorders and other factors like complex PTSD may put you at an increased risk of developing postpartum anxiety and depression after delivery.

Postpartum anxiety and depression can develop up to a year after delivery.

Regardless of the underlying cause of your anxiety, beginning acupuncture treatments can make a big difference for you. Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to reduce stress and promote peace of mind. But it’s not the only therapeutic offering we have at our disposal to improve your anxiety-related symptoms.

Massage therapy is beneficial for many clients to help manage stress levels. A therapeutic massage can help you relieve stress and tension you may not have been aware you were carrying, and that can positively support your mental health and wellness.

Herbal medicine is also helpful to support the body and mind after pregnancy. However, herbal supplements should never be taken without professional guidance and special consideration if you are breastfeeding. 

Contact Integrative Healing Arts today

Postpartum anxiety and depression can last for weeks, months, or even years after you have given birth. If you’re struggling to cope with postpartum anxiety or depression, know that you have options.

Acupuncture is a safe, gentle therapy that can support you as you recover after childbirth by regulating your hormones, relieving stress, improving sleep, and supporting emotional well-being.

To learn more about how acupuncture can improve your anxiety post-pregnancy, get in touch with us today. At Integrative Healing Arts, we understand that every patient has different needs. We’ll work with you to create a holistic healing plan that allows you to meet your wellness goals.