Essential Self care with Self Breast Massage

Self Breast Massage is an important part of self care.

Self Breast Massage is an important part of self care.

A massage is something that needs to be recognized as having great therapeutic value. Even going for massage as “pampering” will help the immune system by stimulating the nervous system. A breast massage is something that is generally not offered in a massage session because it is considered intimate touch. In the US, breast massage is considered illegal in most states with a few exceptions. 

This can make both the receiver of breast massage and the therapist feel a bit awkward and the need for very clear communication, boundaries, consent and trust.

A therapist can teach you how to do breast massage for yourself and it is a wonderful self care practice.

A breast massage as a health practice needs more attention because the breasts contain glandular tissue, lymph nodes, blood vessels, nerves, ligaments and ducts. This area of the body is a meeting point on the body but does not have a muscle to help with lymph circulation. Pectoral muscles are under the breast.

  • Breast massage helps to improve lymph flow, the lymph nodes in the breasts are directly connected to lymph nodes in the armpits and close to the subclavian vein where a  lymphatic vessel drains. 

  • Lymph glands collect fluid, waste material and things like viruses and bacteria that are in the body tissue outside of the bloodstream known as metabolic waste. This needs to be eliminated. 

  • Doing regular breast massage also helps with swelling that may be uncomfortable during certain times in a woman’s cycle which can be tender and painful.

  • Help to identify possible lumps or dense tissue that may need attention.

  • Relieve muscle tension in the chest. The breasts have ligaments and connective tissue that connects to the chest muscles such as pectoralis major and pectoralis minor. This connective tissue is also what gives the breasts their shape.Massage will help to relax the muscles of the chest that get very tight because we do almost all our activities like typing and lifting etc. in the front of our bodies.

  • Relieve Mastitis, which is inflammation of the ducts in the breast, studies show women with mastitis have a higher risk of breast cancer.

  • Relieve clogged milk ducts during breastfeeding.

  • Post mastectomy swelling.

Self breast massage:


  • Situate yourself and be seated with one hand above and one below the breast cupping it. Give a gentle squeeze and feel all around the circumference of the breast. You may notice there are areas that are more dense or sensitive. 

  • Massage back and forth and around keeping support of the breast. With the opposite hand e.g. right hand on top of left breast and chest with pressure move towards the left shoulder across the pectoral muscles. The left hand is supporting the breast. When you get to the armpit, grab the pectoralis muscle at the armpit and squeeze gently and massage, this is called “milking” the muscle. The fingertips will be in the armpit under the pectoralis muscle and the palm and thumb are on top of the pectoralis muscle. Do this a few times and then switch to the other side.

  • Most women may feel sensitive as this area of the body does not get a lot of attention. 

  • With both hands do gentle circles with the fingertips under the collar bone starting mid body and move outward toward the shoulder. This is where the subclavian muscle is and also where lymph drains.

  • Massaging from the middle of the chest (breast bone) outward will help to relax the pectoral muscles and move fluid that may be on the centerline.

  • Be gentle and use less pressure, the area tends to be sensitive.

Lying down 

  • Raise one arm over your head and let it relax, if it is uncomfortable support it with a pillow. 

  • You can use some coconut oil or sunflower oil as a lubricant, massage each breast one at a time starting in a circular motion from the nipple to until you are on the outer edge of the breast and stroke upwards towards the armpit. 

  • Do this several times then switch to the other side.

How can ginger and ginger tea be beneficial for your health?

Ginger tea can improve your digestion and support you immune system.

Ginger tea can improve your digestion and support you immune system.

Drinking ginger tea has many health benefits, in addition to being caffeine free ginger has many medicinal properties. Helping with nausea and settling an upset stomach are only some of the benefits.

Ginger (root) tea has great antioxidant properties and has shown to have anticancer potential. 

Ginger can help fight colds and bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. Together with some lemon and honey it is a powerful addition for a cold remedy.

Pain relief from osteoarthritis in the knee.

Improve heart health by lowering cholesterol lowering and lowering blood pressure.

Ginger is an aromatic spice and comes from the zingiberaceae family that includes turmeric and cardamom. Ginger is used in food and drink for flavor and medicine because they can the stomach and in It was one of the first spices to make its way to Europe during the spice trade.

Chinese cuisine: You will always find a little ginger and garlic blending flavors and it will assist in digestion and overall health.

Chinese Medicine: Ginger (Sheng Jiang) is found in most of Chinese herbal formulas together with licorice because of its effect on the gastrointestinal system. It helps to improve the delivery of medicine by helping with digestion and absorption.   

Ginger has so many health benefits and can easily become part of your immune boosting toolkit.

Ginger has so many health benefits and can easily become part of your immune boosting toolkit.

The Best Ways to Boost Immunity Naturally

People are asking is “how can I improve my immune system and protect my family and friends that may be at greater risk of infection?.”

People are asking is “how can I improve my immune system and protect my family and friends that may be at greater risk of infection?.”

The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) has sent shockwaves around the Globe. People are asking is “how can I improve my immune system and protect my family and friends that may be at greater risk of infection?.”

Everyone is feeling a bit overwhelmed, panicked and scared, this is normal.

What is important that you know there are things that you can do for yourself that are simple and will have a positive impact on your health and immunity.

I am sharing a full list on “how to boost your immune system”, that was partly included in the published article for

The best way to boost immunity naturally is to take something that you already do (such as sleep, eat and think) and make small shifts so that it becomes part of a routine. 

  • Drink Tea as well as water! Both green and black teas (Camellia Sinensis family) have shown to have natural antimicrobial and antiviral properties . The antioxidants in black help prevent stomach cancers and have a direct bactericidal effect against Streptococcus mutans. The throat is the gateway for bacteria and viruses to enter the body so Tea is what the doctor ordered.

  • Coconut oil: With all the hand washing, the natural oils and bacteria that act as a barrier of protection get washed away. Dry cracked skin is an easy target for infection. Coconut oil is naturally antibacterial, anti-fungal and moisturizing at the same time. You can also swish coconut oil in your mouth to help fight gum irritation too.

  • Limit the electronics: We have so much media consumption with fear about the future is emotionally draining. Communicating via email or texts is isolating and can lead to depression. Lack of human contact has a toll on your health. Face-to-face socializing reduces depression.  Instead have a conversation on the phone, or make a point of smiling or saying hello to a stranger. 

  • Sleep: One of the best ways to boost immunity is to get quality sleep. It is during sleep that we are able to regenerate and heal. We also produce cytokines, a  protein that targets infection and inflammation, effectively creating an immune response. Long term  sleep problems are associated with many chronic health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and pain. 

  • Digestion: Gut health on the inside is what will protect you from viruses and bacterial infections on the outside. Gut homeostasis helps reduce body inflammations and helps with brain functioning. There is a brain gut connection with over 90% of serotonin being produced in the digestive tract. Taking Probiotics and Prebiotics to help keep your digestion in order as well as your emotional resilience.

  • Food as medicine: Incorporate superfoods into your diet. Superfoods such as dark vegetable, mushrooms, berries, avocado, nuts and seeds and more. These are also nutrient dense and have health benefits beyond their nutrients.

  • Mindfulness: We have a monkey brain and when we worry too much our nervous system goes into stress mode, fight or flight. The release of adrenaline and cortisol on a constant low level damages our connective tissues and immune system. Focusing 10 minutes a day on clearing your mind of mental chatter and doing walking outdoors, stretching, or a moving meditation such as Tai Chi, QI Gong or Yoga helps to rewire the brain and strengthen the mind body connection and support overall health.

  • Longevity mindset: Acupuncture and Chinese is based on the principles of balance. Seek out someone with a holistic health perspective that looks at your health individually and will teach you how to maximize your health.

When this health crisis has settled we can look at what we can do better.

Do You Have 2020 Vision?

Do you have a clear vision clear for your health in 2020?

Do you have a clear vision clear for your health in 2020?

Another end of the year and a new decade is approaching. I always marvel at how each year seems to be getting shorter and it feels like we are in a crazy time loop.

Every year people make New Year’s resolutions and want to make positive changes to their lives. The recurring themes include a more active approach to health and fitness, travel, losing weight, relieving stress, finding a partner, going on an adventure vacation and spending more time with friends and loved ones. 

Unfortunately for more than 50% of the people that make New Year’s resolutions, give up by spring.


Let’s do something different!


What happened for you in 2019? 


I know that a lot of people got sucked into the news cycles of political drama that 

The media was a major distraction and a source of stress and anxiety for many people and I am pretty certain that it did not contribute to health and wellbeing.


  1. What goals did you set for yourself?

  2. Where did you make progress?

  3. Where didn’t you see progress?


Be gentle with yourself, it’s important to look at what things get in the way of you being successful with your goals.


Here are some tips on how you can be successful with what you want to achieve in 2020!

Pick a resolutions that you can work on everyday and will not easily give up on like getting better sleep, deep breathing, or drinking more water.

These are activities you can do anywhere and the benefits will show quickly.


Stay positive! Make a note of what you were successful at no matter how small. Success creates feel good chemicals that keep you motivated to do more.



Set a goal that will motivate you and connect it to something greater. 

Short term goals will get you some results but if you want a real life change you need to do it in steps and link it to a bigger picture. 

An example:

When someone has a specific reason for losing weight such as a wedding, that reason is what drives them and keeps them committed to achieving that goal. The problem is if that is their only goal then when the wedding is over they will most likely gain the weight back.

The solution is to notice all the positive things you experience from losing the weight, these are wins. Things like you feel better about yourself,  clothes fit better, your have more energy and peolple notice you look better. Use those wins and set another goal to feel even better and have greater qualtiy of life.


Cultivating health and longevity are the principles behind acupuncture and Chinese medicine. Getting regular treatments is a way of supporting the mind-body connection and will make a positive difference to you personally and the quality of life you want to have for as long as you live. 

My wish for all of you is to take charge of your health destiny so youcan have a healthy and prosperous long life and see you in 2020!

What is your vision for the New Year?

What is your vision for the New Year?