What are the Mysterious Markings on Michael Phelps and other Olympic Athletes?

What are the Mysterious Markings on Michael Phelps and other Olympic Athletes?

Coverage of the summer Olympics in Rio have revealed an ancient Chinese healing practice being used this time by American athletes! The circular markings on these Olympians in Rio are from cupping. Cupping is commonly used in the rehabilitation of athletes in China, Japan, Korea and other Asian countries.

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Addressing the Root cause of Back pain: part 2

Addressing the Root cause of Back pain: part 2

In part two of this Q&A series on back pain, I answer some practical questions about coming in for treatment. If you haven’t read part one, check that out first! When someone comes to see me for back pain, I look at all the different layers of what’s happening with that person. My approach to treating back pain is to identify the patterns where it is coming from.

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Relief for Chronic Neck and Shoulder Pain

Relief for Chronic Neck and Shoulder Pain

Why are my tight neck and shoulder muscles constantly tight no matter what I do?

For those of you who have experienced acupuncture in my office know that I don’t just treat “muscle” pain, but address the “whole” person and the holding pattern/s that create a negative feedback loop causing so much trouble.

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